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The Alchemist

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Books Notes
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Read sporadically between Dec 2023 to Aug 2024.

This was a book given to me from my friend Bhavana on my birthday last year. I’m ashamed to say I’ve only finished reading it almost a year later. Here are my impressions:

Personal legend

When your heart wants something, the universe goes out of its way to help you.

The old king

We all have an innate desire to do great things, the old king is that inner voice in us, constantly whispering to our ears:

  • The old king told the boy to pursue his personal legend by going to the pyramids.
  • The same old king told the Englishman to seek out the alchemist.
  • The old king told the crystal merchant to go on his pilgrimage to Mecca.

However, that voice alone does not guarantee success. The boy persisted to reach the pyramids. The Englishman almost found the alchemist. The merchant never set off his journey at all.

The journey

The journey is hard. There are plenty of moments we think we won’t make it.

  • The boy lost all his money to thieves the day he set foot in Africa.
  • The boy was trapped in the oasis for weeks as tribal wars waging on
  • The boy was almost killed by a war lord
  • The boy was robbed again and was put to gunpoint when he reached the foot of the pyramids


Pursuing one’s personal legend means certain sacrifices.


  • The boy gave up the first girl he fell in love with at that Spanish village.
  • The boy set aside the love and passion he had for , and left the oasis to continue his journey.


  • The boy liked being a shepherd, and at multiple occasions through his journey wanted to go back to that life. To continue his journey, he had to set aside that simple, joyful life.
  • The boy was loved and respected at the crystal shop. He left that comfort and stability to continue on his quest.

Although he reacquired what he had given up after realizing his personal legend, it did not make it less painful when he had to give them up at the time.


In the end, the treasure the boy crossed half of the world to seek is buried under the tree the he often rests under with his herd to begin with.

  • The journey to pursue one’s personal legend is the treasure itself
  • The people he met and fell in love with on the journey are the treasure itself

The alchemist

The alchemist is the mentor on our quests.

  • He won’t directly give us the answer, but pushes and guides us to find the our own answers.
  • God helps those who help themselves. The alchemist doesn’t reveal himself to everyone, as he didn’t to the Englishman as well as to the boy at their first encounter.

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