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2024 Nov - Dec Update

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Updated on: 2024-12-23


The latter half of November has been an emotionally fraught time. The news of one of my best friends moving to a different city, coupled with years of accumulated personal traumas and insecurities, made for a perfect storm. Without getting into details, I want to thank everyone who listened to me, gone on long walks with me, and sit with me in silent support. It meant the world to me.

Trial and error

I did a work trial with the Internet Development Studio starting in November and had positive experience. We will see where it leads to after the holidays.

Love and to be loved

The desire to love and to be loved is the single common thread in all of humanity. It links together everyone in the world. It accounts for all joys and sorrows of life. It’s what gives life colors, making it worthwhile.

Happy holidays and see you next year.